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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

LIBRARY 25th ANNIVERSARY - 15th August, 2013.

The 25th Anniversary of the opening of Portlaw's Library, was commemorated by a small group of members on August 15th.

Among the very first to arrive on the scene was Maurice Nugent, the library's oldest member (98 years of age the following week), accompanied by Tramore librarian, Loretta Kinsella, who was Portlaw's previous librarian before her promotion. 

                                                                                                                                                                   Local librarian, Helena Fogarty, busy working up to the last minute!

Sr. Margaret reading the local news while patiently waiting.

Library members, Lucy Danagher, daughter Sophie, and Nora Galvin

Kathleen Keane, 90 years of age same week with Maurice Nugent, days short of his 98th birthday.

L to R:  Maddie Power, Maudie Hallissey and Peggy Brophy awaiting the birthday cake!

Well-known local entertainer, Kevin Nolan and his wife,Mary.

Proudly hanging on the library wall is the very large painting by nationally-known local artist, Fergus Lyons.  A brass plaque beside the artwork reads:

"Bridge over the River", by local artist, Fergus Lyons.
Commissioned by
Portlaw Development Group to
commemorate Millennium 2000.

Eileen O'Brien,.Margo Riordan and Ann Corcoran.

Monica Kelly, Margaret Power and Phyllis Corcoran.

Ruth Gorman with daughter, Molly, and son, Eibhan.

Chris Kiely and son, Tim.

Alice Kiersey, popular manager of the Dr. Martin Day Care Centre, 
came along too for the occasion.
Here she (on right) is seen with Mary Fowler..

Seats were scarce, but Mary needed a rest!
Notice the rain outside. 

It seemed everyone was anxious to be photographed with Maurice!

Special Cake for the occasion. 

Maurice, days short of his 98th birthday, was chosen to blow out the candles. 

Helena has the task of slicing the cake, needing something like the miracle of the loaves and fishes!

Maurice with Ruth Gorman and Eibhan.

Bernie Whelan, Sr. Margaret and Mary Fogarty.

And so the talking and tea-drinking continued till closing time!!!

(This concludes this series of pictures)

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