a wonderful Summer the Tidy Towns committee can now reflect on what was a great
60th anniversary of Tidy Towns in Ireland. The Grotto project,
supported by Murphy Bros. Agricultural Contractors progressed with the removal
of briars and ditches from the perimeter and the introduction of new topsoil.
The now raised green area compliments what is a magnificent feature in the
centre of our town. A number of trees will be planted here in the Spring to
acknowledge the contributions of former members.
conjunction with Portlaw National School and supported by Waterford City and
County Council an ‘Anti-litter and Graffiti Awareness Scheme’ was led by the
Tidy Towns. This scheme entitled ‘Create Life Not Litter’ involved pupils in
the school setting seeds and transferring the flowers into window boxes over
the following few weeks. Our thanks to Clodaigh House for facilitating this
initiative. These window boxes were then displayed on both the windows of the
school and on window sills in Brown Street. This project was put forward for
the National Tidy Towns competition as a school project and we are delighted
that the project was voted the best school’s project in the South East. The
award brought a €1,000 prize to Portlaw NS.
islands around the square are being painted highlighting the extensive
resurfacing project carried out by the council here last year. Extra
concrete flower pots have been added to the islands and were filled with
bedding plants to enhance this area. An
initiative to add a floral display in the fountain at the square was
implemented with tremendous success. Many thanks to Morris’s D.I.Y. for
sponsoring this display and to Children’s Group Link Waterford for supporting
the project by making the tiered flower boxes. We were delighted to have the
area looking so well for the “All Together Now” festival visitors.
Summer Street Clean took place during June and we are extremely thankful to all
the volunteers who joined us for an evening of litter picking around the town.
Tidy Towns hosted a Master Composter Programme
in Clodaigh House during May and June. This programme involved 3 evening
sessions and 2 Saturday sessions over 6-8 weeks.
15 participants were trained on all aspects of
home composting and food waste prevention in their local communities. As part
of the programme, a demonstration site was built at the allotments in Clodaigh
House. The demonstration sites are designed to be a local resource where people
can be brought to see how composting works. We look forward to having our own
‘home-made’ compost to plant our flowers next year.
will see the development of the town park whereby the steep banks at the top of
the park will be removed along with the park sod in order to grade the park and
reset with grass seed. A new footpath will be constructed through the park, to
the rear of the goal, which will allow users of the new car-park to access the
school. The Tidy Towns intend to add
perimeter fencing which will allow the school to use the facility during
school times and will put an end to dog fouling in the park. Some park benches
will be added to facilitate those wishing to engage in a leisurely walk around
this wonderful amenity.
We would like to take this opportunity to
promote the
portlawwalkingtrails.wordpress.com website which offers excellent
detailed walking routes around Portlaw. As always we welcome new members, we meet
every Monday evening during the Summer at 7pm at the Grotto. We only ask that
you give us one hour on any night that you’re free.
For further details please contact
Ray Murphy 087 1361861.
Portlaw Tidy Towns ; Andy Lennon.
Mary Butler. Denis O’Donoghue. Ray Murphy.
- oooOooo
We will take up
our annual church gate collection on December 1st & 2nd. Your support would be greatly appreciated to enhance our town.