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Monday, May 27, 2024

Landslide, Copper Coast:

 Coastal erosion is now happening frequently all around Ireland.  Don't walk too close to or on to cliffs.  

Saturday, May 25, 2024


 A delightful plant that has grown little in years. An abundance of flowers each May.  There must be many species on display in Curraghmore right now. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Barley (for Whiskey) Sign, Curraghmore.

 Similar notice spotted in another field also!

One left click will show a larger copy. 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Curraghmore Dog Show 2024


Only heard about the show at the last minute.  When I arrived, most of the people, vehicles and dogs had left! I managed to 'capture' three images, shown above! Still, there was quite a few around, just talking and eating.

Monday, May 6, 2024

  A series of images taken at the event on Sunday, May 5th,showing, mainly, many of the amateur artists participating and some of their tutors. One left-click on any image will show a larger copy.

( You can read about the place at:  )










                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Still more to follow.

 Was pleased to be invited to the 100th birthday of Jack O'Sullivan, Waterford,  a retired Garda Síochána sergeant for many years, on Sat. May 4th last, with all his family and about seventy friends, including at least seven musicians. A lengthy video showed scores of photos of himself and family in the numerous villages and towns he was stationed in throughout his lengthy career.

Gifts galore were presented, and we heard of never-ending emails, phone calls and more from his son, Larry, and some important people present. With a large selection of food and refreshments for all plus songs and music in plenty from the musicians lasting almost four hours, it was a great turn-out for Jack.

Go maire tú i bhfad, a dhuine uasail! 

(Photo by Larry O'Sullivan, with permission). 


Friday, May 3, 2024

Stone Circle, Curraghmore:


Interesting and picturesque stone circle with tree-filled centre in Clonagam area. Ancient or from 1800s?